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Leaving Church, Becoming Ekklesia


Upon this rock, I will build my…  Church – the central identifying word that encompasses the entire religious spectrum. It is the buildings we go to, the sectarian ideology we adhere to, it is the core of our spiritual identity. Church – the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, the called-out ones. Church – Evangelical, Pentecostal, Catholic, and Non-Denominational. Church – the guardian of doctrine, the ark for lost souls, the social bastion for the righteous. We have embraced and perpetuated a culture around this single word. A word never spoken by Jesus Christ . Church—a word that should have never existed for believers.  In this this book, Tim Kurtz explores the word ‘church’. Leaving Church Becoming Ekklesia reveals what Jesus really said He would build. He never said He would build a church. Jesus is building His ekklesia. When you understand this truth, you will want to embrace your true identity in Christ, and be among those who turn the world upside down. Get ready for a life changing journey...

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